Someone can dislike someone cause of what he thinks or says or does ; but one should not hate someone by what he thinks or says or does
Dislike and hate are two different think and live decision
Today you can be a woman or man and vice versa next year
Today you can be a Jew or Muslim and vice versa next year
Today you can be a Turk or German and with efforts vice versa next year
Today fanatics may be a Liberal vice versa next year
Hate brings hate and hate brings dead and destruction
That helps no one and at least the dead
Law must remain law, Justice must be given and we must be always on the side of weak and damaged and losers in society; but that's a different Discussion
Why we do not learn from war and human history??
At the end of the day or later two losers sits for talk, for Peace.
You can criticism a man, his religion, a culture and a way of life, but this must not be done by hate, but through logic thinking and explanation and the wish for a better life all together
Arrogance has no place here
Majid Bahram beiguy